Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Our Bumper Crop

The pupils of the school are so thrilled to have a poly tunnel and despite the damage done to it by vandals, there was a bumper crop to be harvested this month! Organically grown and carefully tended to by many of the classes in the school. The children have taken so much pride in caring for their crops. We had crops of radishes, peas, beetroot, salad leaves and giant sunflowers growing earlier in the year!

What a seasonal spread!

Carrots and Sweetcorn freshly picked!

A foot long parsnip and there are more to come!

We are looking forward to sampling as many of these.

The kitchen staff made parsnip crisps to sample at our Harvest Service and the corns have been frozen for use at a later date and the pumpkins are going to come in handy for a certain school disco....🎃🎃🎃🎃🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🎃🎃🎃🎃


Our Eco Committee!

Hello and welcome to Linnvale's Eco Committee-we have a new group of Eco warriors ready and keen to improve our natural world and local environment!

Our pupil committee representatives are: Robert, and Ria from P1; Adam and Roksana from P2; Gulshin and Aymin from P2/3; Sophie from P4/3, Georgia and Craig from P4/5; Alfie and Rebecca from P5; Keira C from P6/7J, Jamie, Emily K and Kayden from P6/7G, and Tommy and Dylan from P6/7D.  Miss Guthrie, Mr Russell, Zak's mum and Sophie's mum are also on our committee.We meet every Monday at 11:45-12:15 at the red couches to discuss our work and decide what our next steps are.

We are in the process of submitting our application to renew our Green Flag for the Eco work we did from 2015-2017.

We have also carried out our Environmental Review throughout the school and all classes helped us by filling in the questionnaires. Our three focus topics for 2017-2019 will be Litter, Waste Minimisation and Biodiversity.

We have drafted our action plans for these three areas and created a display in the hall. Our first aim is to purchase bird houses and new bird feeders and Mr Russell has agreed to put the bird houses up. The next step will be to sort a rota to fill the bird feeders/find a volunteer to help us at lunchtimes to oversee this. It's all go!

Please get in touch if you wish to help us or have any suggestions.

Linnvale Eco Committee