Monday, 29 April 2019

Litter Topic:Litter measurement

The three P6/7 classes have worked together on litter: going on a litter walk, recording the types of litter they spotted on the walk, analysing and presenting their data, arranging a community litter pick and then revisiting the route at a later date to see whether their litter pick has had an impact on the litter.
Here are some photos from their second walk.

John Muir Award round 2

Here are the rest of the John Muir Groups after receiving their certificates at assembly today! Congratulations to you all for achieving this award!

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

ECO Work

The whole school is focusing on the three Eco topics for the start of this term. Here is some of the work which has been going on...
Craig in P6/7B made an anti-litter model. Slam dunk the junk!
Keira G made this Eco Wreath from natural materials  at Forest Schools
Nursery groups have been investigating the harm plastics can do to marine life.

Final Forest School for this school year!

Here are some photos from the final session of Forest School: this group worked as a team on all activities and helped and encouraged each other from the first session. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and I know that Phil felt the same-they just approached everything with the same level of enthusiasm and made our job so much fun and I know we looked forward to Tuesday afternoons as much as they did because of their fantastic attitudes!

Linnvale Clean Up

The three P6/7 classes planned a litter pick in the local area with help from WDC's Greenspace. They collected rubbish from different areas and also took a note of the different litter types which they collated and displayed using different forms of information handling. They have published their graphs and charts and are using them in posters to promote the responsible disposal of rubbish!

Nursery Forest School in a shell!

Forest School sessions have been focusing on taking risks and staying safe and the Nursery children have had the opportunity to learn how to set and light a fire using a flint and steel. Scallop shells are a great way of making 'fairy fires' and the flint and steel provide the 'dragon's sneeze' 9spark) to ignite the fuel. The children have shown great understanding of the harm fire can cause and they could also say how to stay safe and demonstrated a very sensible attitude around their little fires.

John Muir Awards! Round 1

The first of the John  Muir Awards were presented at the Easter Service. (Some P6 pupils are yet to receive their award as they were at swimming that afternoon.) A huge congratulations to all these young people, terrific ambassadors of our school and hopefully they will grow up to be guardians of our greenspaces in the future.

This award is a nationally recognised award and is acknowledged by employers and further education institutes. A minimum of 20 hours work is required to achieve the Discovery Level and Linnvale Primary is proud to be one of the providers of this environmental award. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

John Muir award: playground conservation

The John Muir Award consists of 4 elements: discover, explore, conserve and share.
For the conserve element, we are focusing on improving the school grounds by encouraging biodiversity by planting a wildflower highway across our grounds to encourage butterflies and bees.

This group worked extremely hard to dig out dandelions and invasive mint and they hope to add fresh top soil before scattering wildflower seeds and other pollinator-friendly plants! I was extremely impressed by their perseverance and determination as it was a HUGE task to undertake!