Monday, 18 November 2019

P4 travel survey

P4 carried out a Travel to School survey in class when they got a workshop about idling car engines near school and air quality from WDC.
Here is their poster showing how they travel to school. The walkers got 'green' and those who travelled by car  were 'red' so to visually highlight sustainable travel.

Camera trap project continued...

After a busy and successful live film shoot at the log circle, it was only fair to put the fire pit to good use and crack open the marshmallows...time to give the cast and crew a treat for working so well together.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Camera Trap Project

Pupils are taking part in a camera trap project run by SNH.  They set the camera up along at the canal and Strauss Avenue and leave it for a couple of nights and then it is retrieved and the footage is examined. Lots of creatures of different shapes and sizes have been spotted. Here is a little taster below.
Now all that the children have to do is create and edit a film using their footage which demonstrates their learning about the wildlife they have observed from the camera.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Upstream Battle Conference

Rebecca and Kiera were chosen from the Eco Committee oto be our two representatives at WDC's Upstream Battle Conference on November 5th. They went along to the town hall with Mrs Park and saw some of the work other schools had done and took part in workshops arranged by WDC.

Both members of the Eco Committee were keen to share their new knowledge on return to school.