Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Biodiversity at Linnvale

Classes throughout the school have been working on Eco topics as part of an Eco focus fortnight. P1 chose to find out about bees, P1/2 focused on learning about trees and P2 have been learning about mini-beasts. Here is a sample of some of their work-isn't it fantastic?
P1 made these fantastic posters about Bees

P2 shared their mini-beast work-sin't it beautiful

P2 are caring for butterflies in their classroom

Then they wrote about the lifecycle of a butterfly.

P3 learned about reducing waste by reusing items and they designed posters to encourage to follow their lead.

P3 made a water run in the playground using old drain pipes and hoses.

P1 have been growing pollinator friendly plants from seed.

P1 learned about the parts of a plant and made this colourful display.

The parts of a bee.

Their bee illustrations accompanying their writing is fabulous!

What a well drawn honeycomb!

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