Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Welcome back! BIG catch up!

Things have been quiet on this blog due to the demands of online teaching but now we are back at school, I can uodate the blog. 

P3, P3/4 and 4/5 took an environmental focus for their topic work while learning at home and learned bout the imact that litter has on land, in the oceans and the effects deforestation has on the world. They learned about climate change and how our actions can cause climate change but also what can be done to prevent it.

We have been successful with our grant application for the CCAF fund and the school was awarded just under £10,000. This was to replace the tattered polytunnel with a robust polycrub and to purchase some gardening equipment. Our aim is to start a family gardening club when COVID restrictions permit.

The school found a home for the existing frame and it has been dismantled now and removed. Have a look and see what happened so far... #CCAF #climatechangeassetfund


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